Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Blog #10

I had never heard of deep learning before this video. Deep learning is able to study a person's behavior and use it to predict an outcome. In this case, Alpha Go was able to predict a player's next move and beat the human. Because Alpha Go is a form of artificial intelligence, it was able to make a move that humans could not understand, thus winning the game. Therefore, this backs up the idea that artificial intelligence is smarter than humans. 

DeepMind's AI beats world's best Go player in latest face-off | New  Scientist

I find it scary that artificial intelligence is replacing humans in the work field. As a result, more people are unemployed, and therefore, more and more people are living below the poverty line. The scariest part is that because artificial intelligence has been replacing human jobs, the morality rate increased by twenty percent. This is because more people are becoming depressed and suicidal because they were replaced by a robot. Another statistic that alarmed me was that women are being disproportionally affected by artificial intelligence. To expand, artificial intelligence is replacing employees in fields that are typically dominated by women. Consequently, more and more women are becoming unemployed and impoverished. 

Here's Why Alexa (and Siri and Google) Still Don't Understand You as Well  as They Should |

In terms of how this relates to our class, artificial intelligence could be detrimental to our safety. For example, products like Alexa and Siri are trained to recognize who you are and compare your data over time. For instance, if your voice changes, if you are sneezing more, etcetera. Using this information, these devices will determine things like if you are depressed or if you are sick. This can be useful because it makes people's lives easier. For instance, if your Alexa detects you are sick, it will advertise medicine on Amazon to help you. However, this can be extremely harmful as well. Because so much information is being collected on people, their personal security is at risk. For example, if artificial intelligence can pick up on patterns, it could determine what your passwords are. Artificial intelligence can access sensitive information, such as your bank accounts. This could lead to an increase in credit card theft. Hackers can go as far as stealing government information, such as classified documents. If other countries, such as North Korea, get ahold of artificial intelligence they could hack into top-secret government information, thus causing utter chaos. 

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