Sunday, November 5, 2023

Blog Post Ted Talk #8

I believe that the government should get involved and make laws for the safety of their citizens. These plate readers are an invasion of privacy. These plate readers have pictures and know when and where drivers have been. This sensitive information goes into a data base. Hypnotically, someone could hack into these data bases and abuse the information. There is really not much we can do to protect ourselves. Anyone who drives a car is susceptible to location tracking. However, the video suggested that if the police station is governed by city council then laws can be implemented to require police to dispose of innocent people's information. 

I was very surprised to learn in the video that mass surveillance allows local police departments to access sensitive information about its citizens. I always knew that the government could spy on you but I was shocked to learn that at that local police officers can access information about you. This is problematic because police officers can access this sensitive information and abuse their power. To add on, they can sell or spread your information and you would have no idea. This can happen to anyone anywhere. 

To connect this to a modern day example these videos reminded me of Instagram wrapped. Instagram Wrapped is an app that tells users statistics about their Instagram account. For instance, Instagram Wrapped shows users who views the profile the most, how many people have blocked them, how many hours they have been on the app, etcetera. While this seems like a positive tool it has turned out to be extremely problematic. This is because in order to access the statistics of your account you need to put your username and password in. The site is taking the information you provided and hacking people's Instagram accounts. This can be extremely dangerous because Instagram is linked to your email, phone number, and possibly your credit card. 

Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs) | Electronic Frontier Foundation

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